Oil prices rose
again Thursday
on data
suggesting the
US crude glut is
easing as the
dollar weakened
against the euro.
US benchmark
West Texas
Intermediate for
June delivery
rose $1.05 to
$59.63 a barrel
on the New York
benchmark Brent
oil for June
delivery gained
94 cents to
$66.78 a barrel in
Analysts said
the oil market
continued to
react to
Wednesday’s US
Department of
Energy inventory
report, which
showed a
500,000 barrel
drop in
stocks to 61.7
million barrels at
the key Cushing,
trading hub.
While the decline
was modest, it
marked the first
drop since late
Traders are
taking the
decline as a sign
producers are
cutting back at
key US
petroleum sites,
such as the
Bakken region in
North Dakota,
analysts said.
“The oil price
‘wants’ to rise –
this is the
impression one is
bound to gain if
one looks at the
events that
have taken place
on the oil market
in recent
participants are
paying more
attention and
responding more
to the ‘positive’
rather than to
the ‘negative’
Oil prices were
given an
upward push by
the retreat in
the dollar against
the euro and
some other
Wednesday’s US
economic report
showing growth
of just 0.2
percent in the
first quarter.
A Fed statement
Wednesday left
open the timing
of an increase as
it waits for more
signs of
A weak dollar
consumption of
crude and other
outside the US.
Saturday, 2 May 2015
10 tinz guy do wen a lady says no sex
Una weldone
here ooooooo.. I
miss ya’ll
No prologue this
time cos no time
to waste time
Let’s get to
10 Disgusting
Things Guys Do
When A Lady
1. Drives Her
Out Of His
Vividly do I
recollect the
case of a guy
living very close
to my villa who
accommodated a
young lady during
her Post UME
exam. In the
middle of the
night, he made
advances and
the lady in
question denied
him of entrance.
He flared up and
drove her out of
his room leaving
her sleeping on a
corridor till dawn
*Even Orijin101 is
not exempted
from this act *
2. He Refuses
To Give Her T-
He labels her as
she dare ask for
T-fare after
which she had
denied him of
3. He Resorts
To Beating Her
Even some
married men are
not exempted
from this
shameful act (so
as some young
dudes). I have
however seen
the case of a
man who resort
to beating his
wife because
she refused.
gathered in front
of his door
begging him to
please open the
door. When the
FOOL eventual
opened the door,
he couldn’t even
say what his
wife did that
warrant beating
(but we know
what’s up )
4. He Becomes
Overly Stingy
It’s no news
that many guys
exhibit ” my
money does not
go for free
attitude”. The
notion that
nothing goes for
nothing has
turned many into
becoming overly
stingy the
moment their
advances was
turned down.
Even Ronald4lif is
not exempted
from this act
5. His Love For
Her Head On
In the world of
today, sex now
seems to be the
talk of the day.
Many want to
get laid so as to
be on top of the
game and brag
to their friends
about it. When
no hope of
bleeping is
coming forth
after several
attempts, they
lose interest and
their love or
chase head on
6. He Lies
About Stomach
I don’t know if
this is medically
proven but I
have occasionally
overheard many
guys complained
about stomach
disorder when
they are unable
to discharge
their fluid. Many
will act like they
want to die just
to make the lady
have compassion
on them and let
them have their
7. He Acts
Those who only
see ladies as sex
gadget would
act violently and
aggressively like
soldier going for
World war III.
They become so
rude and
towards ladies
just because
they want to
get under her
skirt without
commitment and
dump her in a
8. He Rapes
This is a
occurrence in the
world of today.
Many will resort
To Molest
9. He Turns
Back And Acts
Like You Do
Not Exist
He turns his back
to her and acts
like she doesn’t
even exist. In
some cases, he
wears his shirt
and quickly
pretend having
an appointment
with someone
just to send her
10. Guys free
to add yourz
I drop my pen at
this point
here ooooooo.. I
miss ya’ll
No prologue this
time cos no time
to waste time
Let’s get to
10 Disgusting
Things Guys Do
When A Lady
1. Drives Her
Out Of His
Vividly do I
recollect the
case of a guy
living very close
to my villa who
accommodated a
young lady during
her Post UME
exam. In the
middle of the
night, he made
advances and
the lady in
question denied
him of entrance.
He flared up and
drove her out of
his room leaving
her sleeping on a
corridor till dawn
*Even Orijin101 is
not exempted
from this act *
2. He Refuses
To Give Her T-
He labels her as
she dare ask for
T-fare after
which she had
denied him of
3. He Resorts
To Beating Her
Even some
married men are
not exempted
from this
shameful act (so
as some young
dudes). I have
however seen
the case of a
man who resort
to beating his
wife because
she refused.
gathered in front
of his door
begging him to
please open the
door. When the
FOOL eventual
opened the door,
he couldn’t even
say what his
wife did that
warrant beating
(but we know
what’s up )
4. He Becomes
Overly Stingy
It’s no news
that many guys
exhibit ” my
money does not
go for free
attitude”. The
notion that
nothing goes for
nothing has
turned many into
becoming overly
stingy the
moment their
advances was
turned down.
Even Ronald4lif is
not exempted
from this act
5. His Love For
Her Head On
In the world of
today, sex now
seems to be the
talk of the day.
Many want to
get laid so as to
be on top of the
game and brag
to their friends
about it. When
no hope of
bleeping is
coming forth
after several
attempts, they
lose interest and
their love or
chase head on
6. He Lies
About Stomach
I don’t know if
this is medically
proven but I
have occasionally
overheard many
guys complained
about stomach
disorder when
they are unable
to discharge
their fluid. Many
will act like they
want to die just
to make the lady
have compassion
on them and let
them have their
7. He Acts
Those who only
see ladies as sex
gadget would
act violently and
aggressively like
soldier going for
World war III.
They become so
rude and
towards ladies
just because
they want to
get under her
skirt without
commitment and
dump her in a
8. He Rapes
This is a
occurrence in the
world of today.
Many will resort
To Molest
9. He Turns
Back And Acts
Like You Do
Not Exist
He turns his back
to her and acts
like she doesn’t
even exist. In
some cases, he
wears his shirt
and quickly
pretend having
an appointment
with someone
just to send her
10. Guys free
to add yourz
I drop my pen at
this point
PROVERBS....Better late dan neva...A stitch in tym saves 9..Procrastination is d thief of tym..Half loaf is beta dan none..No condition is permanent..Charity begins at ohm..Call a dog a bad name..Wash a dog, comb a dog, a dog wil stil be a dog..A penny saved is a peny lost..N smoke witous fire..It is better 2 cal a spade, a spade..Prevention is beta dan cure..A good dog deserves a good bone..Birds of d same feathers flock 2geda...Make hay while d sun shines..Cut ur coat according 2 ur size..No news is good news..Wer der'z a wil, der'z a way...Luk b4 u leap..Early 2 bed, early 2 rise..As u mak ur bed so u lie on it..As u sow, so u reap...Ileya cum bt once in a year...Honesty is d best policy...
Airtel cheat 4rm salman
Airtel cheat 4rm salman u wil press *140*500# if u win it cal me on diz number 08149630794
Airtel cheat 4rm salman
Airtel cheat 4rm salman u wil press *140*500# if u win it cal me on diz number 08149630794
Waec 2015 Biology Practical Answers will be posted free of charge
Waec 2015 Biology Practical Answers will be posted free of charge
(4ai.) Specimen L ------- Terrestrial habitat
Specimen M ------ Terrestrial habitat Specimen
N -------Terrestrial habitat
II. Specimen L --------- Photosynthesis/ autotrophic. Specimen M -------- Biting and chewing / heterotrophic Specimen N --------Saprophytic iii. Specimen L ----- They are green plants therefore they are able to produce their own food through photosynthesis. Specimen M ----- They have maxilla and mandibles that are adapted to bite and chew grasses.
(4bi.) They all lives in the same habitat and they depend on each other to survive. Freshly uprooted grass ----- grasshopper-------- Mushroom
(ii.) sources of food for man. reduction of crop yields.
(iii.) Using of insecticides.
1a) Division;-Magnoliophyta Class;-Magnoliopsida
1b) i) A-Spiral
ii) A-swordlike
c) i)A-smoooth
ii)A-alternate venation
B-Net venation
(i) -They both have Narrow leaf
-They both have Green colouration of leaf
-They are both angiosperm They are both dicotyledinous plant (ii) -Specimen A contains many leaves whie specimen B contains fewer leaves
-Specimen A is darker in colour while specimen B is lighter in colour
-Specimen A posses hard stem while specimen B posses succulent stem
-Specimen A has scaly appearance while specimen B does not have scaly appearance
(3a) specimen c= Tilapia fish specimen
d= Toad
(3b) specimen c is pisces specimen d is amphibians
(3c) Aquatic habitat
(3d) tabulate
specimen c
i. They have simple eye
ii. They have fins for movement in water
specimen d
i. They have bugly eye
ii. They have two pairs of limbs
(3dii) 1. They have gills for gaseous exchange
2. They have two- chambered heart
(2ai) G-Arthropoda
(2aii) 1-possession of exoskeleton of chtin.
2-possession of joint appendages.
(2b) G-Mandible.
(2ci) G-Arboreal
(2cii) G: 1.Worker bee is a source of formic acid.
2.It a source of income
H: 1.it increase the nutrient of the soil.
2.It destroys farm produce.
i M- Aves
N - pisces
P - vertebrata
ii . Protein of the organism
I ii . M
I .Absense of sweet pore
2 .Presence of barbs
3 .Presence of Rachis
4 .Presence of shaft
1 .Presence of sweet pore.
2 .Absence of barbs
3 .Absence of rachis
4 .Absence of shaft
1 .inferid umbilicus attaches the specimen the skin of the bird.
2 .Rachis hold the barbs in place .
3 .The barbs insulate the body.
more Answers Loading...
(4ai.) Specimen L ------- Terrestrial habitat
Specimen M ------ Terrestrial habitat Specimen
N -------Terrestrial habitat
II. Specimen L --------- Photosynthesis/ autotrophic. Specimen M -------- Biting and chewing / heterotrophic Specimen N --------Saprophytic iii. Specimen L ----- They are green plants therefore they are able to produce their own food through photosynthesis. Specimen M ----- They have maxilla and mandibles that are adapted to bite and chew grasses.
(4bi.) They all lives in the same habitat and they depend on each other to survive. Freshly uprooted grass ----- grasshopper-------- Mushroom
(ii.) sources of food for man. reduction of crop yields.
(iii.) Using of insecticides.
1a) Division;-Magnoliophyta Class;-Magnoliopsida
1b) i) A-Spiral
ii) A-swordlike
c) i)A-smoooth
ii)A-alternate venation
B-Net venation
(i) -They both have Narrow leaf
-They both have Green colouration of leaf
-They are both angiosperm They are both dicotyledinous plant (ii) -Specimen A contains many leaves whie specimen B contains fewer leaves
-Specimen A is darker in colour while specimen B is lighter in colour
-Specimen A posses hard stem while specimen B posses succulent stem
-Specimen A has scaly appearance while specimen B does not have scaly appearance
(3a) specimen c= Tilapia fish specimen
d= Toad
(3b) specimen c is pisces specimen d is amphibians
(3c) Aquatic habitat
(3d) tabulate
specimen c
i. They have simple eye
ii. They have fins for movement in water
specimen d
i. They have bugly eye
ii. They have two pairs of limbs
(3dii) 1. They have gills for gaseous exchange
2. They have two- chambered heart
(2ai) G-Arthropoda
(2aii) 1-possession of exoskeleton of chtin.
2-possession of joint appendages.
(2b) G-Mandible.
(2ci) G-Arboreal
(2cii) G: 1.Worker bee is a source of formic acid.
2.It a source of income
H: 1.it increase the nutrient of the soil.
2.It destroys farm produce.
i M- Aves
N - pisces
P - vertebrata
ii . Protein of the organism
I ii . M
I .Absense of sweet pore
2 .Presence of barbs
3 .Presence of Rachis
4 .Presence of shaft
1 .Presence of sweet pore.
2 .Absence of barbs
3 .Absence of rachis
4 .Absence of shaft
1 .inferid umbilicus attaches the specimen the skin of the bird.
2 .Rachis hold the barbs in place .
3 .The barbs insulate the body.
more Answers Loading...
Friday, 1 May 2015
Hardware vs. software
Before we talk about different types of computers, let's talk about two things all computers have in common: hardware and software.- Hardware is any part of your computer that has a physical structure, such as the keyboard or mouse. It also includes all of the computer's internal parts, which you can see in the image below.
- Software is any set of instructions
that tells the hardware what to do. It is what guides the hardware and
tells it how to accomplish each task. Some examples of software include
web browsers, games, and word processors. Below, you can see an image of
Microsoft PowerPoint, which is used to create presentations.
Everything you do on your computer will rely on both
hardware and software. For example, right now you may be viewing this
lesson in a web browser (software) and using your mouse
(hardware) to click from page to page. As you learn about different
types of computers, ask yourself about the differences in their
hardware. As you progress through this tutorial, you'll see that
different types of computers also often use different types of software.
What is a computer?
A computer is an electronic device that manipulates information, or data. It has the ability to store, retrieve, and process data. You probably already know that you can use a computer to type documents, send email, play games, and browse the Web. You can also use it to edit or create spreadsheets, presentations, and even videos.
Watch the video to learn about different types of computers.
Throughout this tutorial, we'll show you some of the
most important things you need to know about computers, including how to
set up your computer, how to interact with the desktop and operating
system, and what kinds of computers are available. We'll also introduce
you to some basic troubleshooting strategies you can use if your
computer isn't working correctly.
Pres. Jonathan’s Mother Hails JTF For Donating Borehole To Bayelsa Community
Pres. Jonathan’s Mother Hails JTF For Donating Borehole To Bayelsa Community
- Lanrycoded
- May 1, 2015
- Naija News
- 2

Mrs. Eunice Jonathan, the mother of President Goodluck Jonathan, has commended the Joint Task Force for donating a borehole to Akipelai community in Ogbia Local Government Area of Bayelsa.
The borehole, which is sited at the premises of the Community Secondary School, Akipelai, was inaugurated by Jonathan’s mother, a native of the community. She thanked the JTF Commander for his efforts towards eradicating illegalities in the Niger Delta region.
The President’s mother also commended him for the professional approach in carrying out the mandate of the task force and urged the people of the community to give him the necessary support to fight oil theft. She urged youths of the community to protect the borehole against vandalism.
The JTF Commander, Maj. Gen. Emmanuel Atewe, commended the Akipelai community for toeing the line of his zero tolerance campaign against illegalities in the community.
He applauded the community for not indulging in oil theft, which he described as economic sabotage against the Federal Government of Nigeria.
The people of Akipelai are in total support of this fight and we must continue to identify with them by supporting them in the area we can.
“We are donating this as a mark of appreciation to this community for not involving in illegal bunkering and oil theft.,” Atewe said.
He urged the people of the region to continue to support the task force to carry out its mandate in the Niger Delta.
“Illegal oil bunkering and oil theft degrade the ecological system, thereby creating a health hazard to the inhabitants of the community. It is an act capable of causing health problems,” he added.
The overall best graduating student of the University of Lagos, UNILAG, Akoka, Lagos, western Nigeria, Korede Akinpelumi, has revealed how the death of his father in his final semester on campus spurred him to academic greatness.
The 21-year old Chemical Engineering graduate, who had a total of 4.96 Cumulative Point Grade Average, CGPA, told P.M.NEWS in an interview, that he lost his father midway into his final exams in school.
Akinpelumi stated that the tragedy did not deter him from continuing with his quest to excel academically. He said rathe it propelled him to ensure that he finished on a high.
“I had always known that I would do well in the tertiary institution because I was the best student at the International School, Lagos, ISL, and expectations had been high when I got here.Asked what he will do with his really impressive grades, the second of his parents’ three children, stated that he was not thinking about what comes next. Instead, he is looking forward to how he will handle what comes after graduating.
“In my second year here, I was already on a 5.0 so I thought I just needed to do a little more to end my first degree as one of the best placed students.
“However, I lost my dad in August last year, midway into my final exams. It was the most challenging period for me throughout my stay in UNILAG because he had such a huge influence on my academic quest.
“So, for me to still come out with a 5.0 grade that semester, despite the challenges, it was just God. That was the defining moment for me at the University of Lagos.”
“I am really not bothered about the next thing that happens. I am only particular about how I respond to what comes next. Quite a number of offers have come already and I am just trusting God to know which of them I should accept.
“I would not like to mention names now, but offers from institutions and companies of repute have come. So, I am just seeking God’s guidance to know which one to go for.
“About two to three companies have already shown interest in me to work with them,” he said.
We supported you in 2007, Afenifere tells Buhari
Afenifere Leader, Dr. Reuben Fasoranti
| credits: File copy
| credits: File copy
We supported you in 2007, Afenifere tells Buhari
socio-political group, Afenifere, has reminded the President-elect,
Muhammadu Buhari, that it supported him in 2007 when he was contesting
for the presidency on the platform of the All Nigeria Peoples Party.
The group, therefore, explained that
although it supported President Goodluck Jonathan in 2015, it would be
wrong for anyone to assume that it supported Jonathan because of money.
In a communiqué issued in Akure on
Wednesday after a meeting at the home of Afenifere leader, Chief Reuben
Fasoranti, the group explained that it supported Jonathan because it
believed that doing so was in the interest of all Yoruba.
group issued the communiqué in reaction to several allegations that its
leaders received almost a billion naira from Jonathan weeks before the
March 28 election.
The group, therefore, urged Buhari not to
jettison the National Conference report as it was the only way to
ensure change in Nigeria.
The communiqué read, “For the avoidance
of doubt, the President-elect, General Buhari, would attest to our not
being induced in supporting him in 2007. We were certainly not induced
to support President Goodluck Jonathan.
“Our decision was based on our age-long
commitment to support a presidential candidate committed to the
restructuring of Nigeria.
“Afenifere supported Buhari in 2007 when
he agreed with Afenifere that he would restructure Nigeria and President
Jonathan in 2015 because of his support for the National Conference and
devolution of power.
“We will continue to make representation
to the President-elect to implement the 2014 conference resolutions,
particularly with regards to restructuring and reduction of recurrent
While commending Jonathan for
congratulating Buhari even before all the election results were
announced, Afenifere described Jonathan as a true statesman.
Afenifere maintained that the Social
Democratic Party would remain its party and called on its members to
remain true to the tenets of the party.
Igbo Leaders Pay Buhari Congratulatory Visit [See Photos]
Igbo leaders led by Imo state governor, Rochas Okorocha paid president-elect Generla Buhari a congratulatory visit at his home in Abuja yesterday April 30th.
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